
Mi mission is to help you start your journey towards a mindful-passionate and purposeful life! Un abrazo, Bruny

What relationship do you have with money?

How many things do you have hidden in your subconscious mind that you can’t see that affects the way you perceive money?

Well, as I mentioned in another post, based on all the information from different books and experts on the subject, everything is hidden there.

Bruce Lipton said: “The most influential perceptual programming of the subconscious mind occurs from birth through age six. During that time, the child’s brain is recording all sensory experiences as well as learning complex motor programs for speech, crawling, standing, and advanced activities like running and jumping.”

That’s why it’s sometimes hard to recognize that we have money blocks.

We need to take some “solo” time to meditate and get the answers from our soul.

Motivational Quote: “You must begin to understand, therefore, that the present state of your bank account, your sales, your health, your social life, your position at work, etc., is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your previous thinking.” – Bob Proctor

Take-home message: Try to find what are the fears that are hidden in your subconscious mind that affects your relationship with money, and instead of keeping them buried, confront them. Prepare an action plan to deal with them. Seek the help of a life coach if you feel you can’t do it yourself. I will be more than happy to help you. Feel free to send me an email at

Ask yourself: Do I have hidden fears buried in my subconscious mind that are responsible for the way I perceive money?

Do: Develop a plan to overcome them.

Please share: I would love to hear from you. What are your hidden fears? What have you done to overcome their impact in your life?

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Live your life with Passión in action!

Un abrazo,


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